Health and Wellness

Trust is specifically working to spread the awareness of good health and well-being.

Arogya Sangoshthi
Arogya Sangoshthi

In this, trust has "Arogya Sangoshthi" through this, trust organizes seminars, conferences as an exclusive knowledge sharing platforms to create mass awareness about health & wellness in our society.

The Yogshala Jobs
The Yogshala Jobs Portal

The Yogshala Jobs Portal ( - online jobs portal is another prominent initiative of trust exclusively meant for medical & paramedical professionals.

The Grand Master of Yoga
The Grand Master of Yoga

Trust conducts "The Grand Master of Yoga " contest every year to acknowledge the Yoga’s endowed practitioners globally.

Arogya Film Festival
Arogya Film Festivals

Trust also initiated "Arogya Film Festivals" on this subject to have an innovative medium to widen these areas.


For this, trust initiated "Ayuryujam" as combo remedy of Yoga and Ayurveda an integrated approach of an inclusive system of absolute health.

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